English in the Community: Johnsonville - Next Step (ESOL Level 3-4)

Join our informal next step English language group (aimed at those at Intermediate level and above) in Johnsonville and improve your English skills, make new friends and find out more about your community. (NZ citizen and residents free with ID, all others pay listed price).


English in the Community: Johnsonville - Next Step (ESOL Level 3-4)

English in the Community courses help you to learn more English, get to know your community and meet new people. The groups aim to help you use what you already know, learn more from your tutor and the other students and feel more at home in your local community. 

To enrol in these courses, please contact the CEC office on 04 385 8919 or cec@whs.school.nz.

By the end of the course, you'll: 

• Be more confident in speaking English in everyday situations
• Be able to understand more English, especially “New Zealand English”
• Have increased your vocabulary
• Be able to talk more about living in New Zealand and your local community

The courses are free for NZ residents and citizens.

The course fee for non-residents is $149.

NOTE: This course is subsidised with funding from the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) and you must provide photo ID when you attend your first session, if applicable.

Note:  Courses need a minimum number to go ahead so if we don't have enough enrolments a few days before the start date, we have to cancel. We'll let you know by email so please check yours regularly. If you need to cancel your registration, here are our terms and conditions: "What You Need to Know".