Ukulele - Next Step
Expand your knowledge of chords and the fret board. Bring your own ukulele in standard C tuning.
Ukulele - Next Step
For those who have completed a beginners' course, or equivalent.
Bring your ukulele (must be tuned to standard C tuning.)
By the end of the course, you'll be able to:
• Expand your song repertoire
• Move chord shapes up the neck
• Find chords in different positions
• Participate in a small “ukulele orchestra”
Bring your ukulele.
Note: Courses need a minimum number to go ahead so if we don't have enough enrolments a few days before the start date, we have to cancel. We'll let you know by email so please check yours regularly. If you need to cancel your registration, here are our terms and conditions: "What You Need to Know".
Related Courses
For those who have completed the 8-week beginner course, or have equivalent knowledge.
Please note your ukulele must be tuned to standard C tuning.