Madeleine Taylor

Madeleine Taylor is a parent of three boys in their early 20s who started her professional life as a social worker in Health and Mental Health and now works as a People Skills Consultant. 

Madeleine is an accomplished workshop facilitator and long-time trainer of Negotiation and Conflict Management. Madeleine trained with Jean Illesly Clarke, co-author of “How Much is Enough? Everything You Need to Know to Steer Clear of Overindulgence and Raise Likeable, Responsible and Respectful Children" and is passionate about sharing this knowledge with you.

Madeleine works as a facilitator, executive coach, trainer and professional supervisor in workplace.

She is a:

  • Parent Educator and Coach
  • Adult Trainer 
  • Mediator and Facilitator  of Conflict
  • Executive Coach
  • Restorative Justice Facilitator
  • Mother of three sons
