Te Reo Māori - Ngā ture whakatakoto (Grammar)

Looking to learn some Māori language, but needing some extra grammar and structure? Nau mai kuhu mai! (NZ Citizens and residents pay $99 with ID, all others pay $149).


Te Reo Māori - Ngā ture whakatakoto (Grammar)

This course will focus on the structural components of common basic sentence structures and grammatical concepts in Te Reo Māori - for those who love learning systems and want to increase their understanding of the foundations of Māori language, this course is for you!

Bring paper and pens and an enthusiasm to learn! Ko taku reo taku ohooho, ko taku reo taku mapihi mauria

By the end of the course, you’ll be able to:

  • Compare and contrast the structures of English and Māori as languages.
  • Understand and apply simple grammatical concepts (e.g. personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, A/O categories and the use of determiners).
  • Identify and discuss common basic errors about Māori language that have arisen from English structures and thought.
  • Practice and use the structures for a range of Māori sentences (e.g. ko, he, ehara, N/M possession, counting sentences, locatives, and actives).

NOTE: This course is subsidised with funding from the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) and you must provide photo ID when you attend your first session, if applicable.

 Note:  Courses need a minimum number to go ahead so if we don't have enough enrolments a few days before the start date, we have to cancel. We'll let you know by email so please check yours regularly. If you need to cancel your registration, here are our terms and conditions: "What You Need to Know".


Students should be familiar with pronunciation of Māori words (as this will not be taught), and may benefit from some prior knowledge of basic concepts and conventions of sentence structure/pronouns in Māori etc (though this is non-essential)