Dare to Be Seen – Overcome Stage Fright and Performance Anxiety

This course is for you if you want help with all kinds of performances – from stage delivery through to interviews; from giving a speech to making a business pitch – there are many kinds of performance where we need to deliver our very best. This is a masterclass in authentic confidence on stage and beyond. Develop presence when performing or speaking and increase your personal impact, authenticity and embodied leadership.


Dare to Be Seen – Overcome Stage Fright and Performance Anxiety

The skills you will practice may be applied to presentations, interviews, appraisals, business meetings, networking, performing on stage and more. Prepare yourself to deliver your best self under pressure. Discover the art of being seen and heard.

 Learn how to banish stage fright and performance anxiety. Communicate from a place of confidence and energy. Hold the room and speak with authority. Come across authentically, with maximum personal impact.

In this masterclass we will work with the fundamental toolkit of each person’s body, breath, voice and mindset to increase communicative power, gravitas and influence. You will leave with the skills to master any kind of performance you need to give.

By the end of the course, you’ll be able to:
-  Understand how your physical, mental and vocal habits help you or hinder your effectiveness
-  Practice simple repeatable exercises that will transform your capacity to make a powerful entrance
-  Learn how to manage nerves, take up space and land your message with impact.

Note:  Courses need a minimum number to go ahead so if we don't have enough enrolments a few days before the start date, we have to cancel. We'll let you know by email so please check yours regularly. If you need to cancel your registration, here are our terms and conditions: "What You Need to Know".