Cake Decorating - The Basics

Learn how to make traditional buttercream icing, layer your cake and develop your icing and piping skills and discover techniques to make decorations using flower paste and chocolate. All ingredients included in course fee.


By the end of this 4-week course you'll have the knowledge and skills to create delicious and decorative celebration cakes.

All ingredients provided but please bring your own apron, palette knife, dishcloth, tea towel, large container for your finished cake and small container for your spare decorations.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to:
- Create decorations using flower paste and chocolate 
- Make simple buttercream and ganache frosting
- Layer a cake
- Use a palette knife, piping bag and nozzle to ice a cake 

Note:  Courses need a minimum number to go ahead so if we don't have enough enrolments a few days before the start date, we have to cancel. We'll let you know by email so please check yours regularly. If you need to cancel your registration, here are our terms and conditions: "What You Need to Know".